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Applied Maths

Summary of Fundamental Applied Maths by Oliver Murphy

More resourses here (Studyclix)

Click here to see questions, solutions and other resourses for each topic. (The Physics Teacher)


Introduction to Vectors and Scalars


Uniform Acceleration

The Equations of Motion - The SUVAT Equations
Uniform Acceleration
Linear Motion
(PowerPoint, Excercises and Solutions)
Forces and Motion



(PowerPoint and Exercises)
Projectiles 1
Projectiles 2

Projectiles - Maximum Height and Range Formula


Connected Particles

Pulley and Masses on tables simulations here.

PP on Pulleys


Circular and Simple Harmonic Motion

Centripetal Acceleration and Centripetal Force

Circular Motion
(PowerPoint and Exercises)


Differentiation and Integration

Integration by Substitution

Integration by Parts

Integration by Parts - Two Steppers


Differential Equations

First Order Differential Equations and Applications
Second Order Differential Equations


Graphs, Networks and Optimal Paths


Prim's Algorithm

Gantt's Charts

Adjacency Matrices

Disktra's Algorithm

Kruskal's Algorithm

Critical Path Analysis

Bellman's Principal of Optimality - An Example



Examples of Projects

Student Modelling Journal


Sample Paper 2022/3 HL 

Q 1

Q 2

Q 3

Q 4

Q 5

Q 6

Q 7

Q 8

2023 HL Applied Maths Paper Solutions

Q 1

Q 2

Q 3

Q 4

Q 5

Q 6

Q 7

Q 8

Q 9

Q 10

2024 HL Applied Maths Paper Solutions

Q 1

Q 2

Q 3

Q 4

Q 5

Q 6

Q 7

Q 8

Q 9

Q 10

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